Hunter Frequently Asked Questions
Absolutely not. Our goal is to open private land that hasn’t been hunted before. We are in business to open land, not take it. By showing landowners we are transparent and our business process is effective and finely tuned, many are learning this is a great method to allow for us to use their property. The only occasion where it might look like we have done this is when a landowner contacts us that is tired of managing it, which we will then try to renew it with the existing hunters.
Simply add it to your cart, purchase it, and in a few days we will begin sending documents for you to sign. Once all documents have been signed by your party and payment has cleared the property is yours to hunt.
All leases expire on different dates. If you have a current lease check your license document.
Yes as long as the landowner was happy with the arrangement and payment was received on time
You need to provide us with the names after you purchase. You cannot add hunters during a term but you can at renewal up to the maximum allowed.
Per Group.
No but it does give you early access to go see and purchase prior to going live on the website. Properties go very fast and our Early Bird Memberships are a great resource to secure a lease.
Depends, in some cases the landowner wants contact prior to you purchasing, in other cases they don’t want any contact.
Absolutely and we recommend it. In some cases you will meet up with the landowner and we coordinate that meeting, in other cases you’re able to go scout the property on your own by scheduling the time and date with us.
No, we have hundreds of requests to do that. We do have an Early Bird membership you can pay for and it will notify you immediately when a property opens or is added and gives you 7 days early access to view it and decide if you want it.
No we don’t offer this as most leesee’s already have a group they hunt with.
When a landowner signs an agreement with us we decide at that time how many hunters to put on the property. We call them the primary hunters. The landowner also selects whether or not immediate family can hunt with them. This would be your spouse and children under 18. Children over 18 would be considered a primary hunter. They also select if they are allowing one guest per member to come during non big game seasons. Guests are not allowed to shoot big game or turkeys. Landowners may or may not set the total maximum number of hunters, guests, family that can be present at any given time on the property. This info can be found on the property page on the website.
Yes and No, The landowner can select to limit any animal they wish, they can select if the want you to use a shared bag limit where the spouse and kids harvest count towards the primary hunters harvest. They can also select to limit bucks and does and or the size of the bucks allowed to be harvested. This info can be found on the property page on the website.
A corporate lease allows for up to a maximum number of hunters to be present at any given time. Guests are allowed for all seasons unless spelled out otherwise on the property page on the website.
No but they are all required to fill out a liability release waiver and send it to us before stepping foot on the property and it’s your responsibility to explain and go over the properties requirements for use.
Unfortunately we have no control over this and cannot refund you in this case.
You must get permission from the landowner or us before establishing a food plot. They can never be placed in tillable or farmed areas. Feeders are allowed if state law allows for them.
Trimming shooting lanes is allowed, cutting trees down is not allowed.
Yes but all must be removed if you don’t renew or you will be billed for removal.
Off roading or joy riding isn’t allowed. Using them to retrieve your harvest, fill feeders, getting to and from your stand is allowed. If you have a road already on site use it, if going through a crop field stay as close to the fence as possible and always use the same route.
If Grantor should sell or otherwise transfer title to the Property, a required refund amount will be prorated at the below rates and paid within 30 days of notification to Grantee that property has sold: If before the states published hunting season begins, 100% ;If during the first 30 days of hunting season 95% ;If between 30 to 60 days of hunting season 90% ;If between 60 to 90 days of hunting season 85% ;If between 90 to 120 days of hunting season 75% ;If after 120 days of hunting season 50%
We have no other fees at this time.
We tell hunters to always assume that livestock may be present even if the property does not have livestock on it. Livestock can break through fences and they will destroy equipment. It is up to you to protect & secure your gear or risk having to replace it at your expense. If a property does not have livestock present it will state this on the property page on the website. Livestock management requires that they be moved around at different times of the year and there is no schedule provided for doing so.
No, not without written consent of the landowner and filed with us beforehand.
No, not without written consent of the landowner and filed with us beforehand.