- 838 Acres
- 5 Hunters Maximum
This property is currently leased.
Property Details
838-acre annual hunting lease located in Comanche County Oklahoma in the lucrative SW Zone. It is just NW of the Wichita Mountain Wildlife Refuge. It has produced elk every year. This is a 100% private lease and is renewable based on landowner satisfaction every year. It is a family lease for up to 5 adult hunters. Children or Spouses can hunt in your place but their harvests goes toward your Oklahoma Bag Limit count for the 5 adult hunters deemed by the Oklahoma State Wildlife Department. Please visit their website to understand bag limits and requirements. A record of the harvest will be required for the property and provided to you by us. Photograph evidence of all taken animals, vermin included will also be required. The game warden stated the section to the East isn’t hunted and to the South is the refuge. He said it’s a great country for deer, turkey, and hogs but said the Elk hunting is 3x better here than on the refuge. He has seen hundreds of Elk in this area at one time. Its in the special southwest zone so no need to check daily quotas before hunting. Absolutely no fires are allowed. General Information for the area Comanche County, Oklahoma, offers hunting opportunities for various game animals, including elk in the lucrative Southwest Oklahoma zone, white-tailed deer, turkey, quail, dove, waterfowl, and small game. The area is surrounded by natural habitats that support a diverse wildlife population, making it a popular destination for hunting enthusiasts. Overall, hunting in Comanche County, Oklahoma, offers a diverse range of game animals, beautiful natural landscapes, and ample hunting opportunities, making it a great destination for hunting enthusiasts.
Property Specifications
Property Limits
Landowner Requests
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Property Limits
Some landowners request additional limits to follow while on their property. Please review the property limit guidelines.
This landowner allows spouse and their children under 18 to participate in this agreement with all licensees.
If allowed by landowner, 1 Guest may be present per licensee outside of big game seasons. Only allowed to hunt small game – vermin, dove, quail, ducks, geese, rabbits, squirrels, fish etc. This does not allow for deer, elk, moose, bear, antelope, sheep, turkey etc to be harvested by a guest. No Big Game.
A shared bag limit where spouse and children under 18 harvests count towards the licensee’s state game limit (Big Game Only). Small game shall carry the states limit for each person.
A corporate lease allows licensee to bring guests for any season. The number of persons present at any given time can be restricted by landowner.